Waiting List Policy
Why do we run a Group list?
- To ensure a fair and consistent approach is adopted.
- To ensure all vacancies are filled with the right candidates.
- To have one central record of all waiting candidates.
What are the age ranges (ideals plus flexibility allowed)?
- Squirrels 4 – 5 years old
- Beavers 6 – 8 (flexibility 6 to 8 yrs 6 mths)
- Cubs 8 – 10yrs 6 mths (flexibility is at upper end allowing leavers at 10yrs)
- Scouts 10 – 14 (flexibility 10 – 15)
- Explorers 14 –18
All sections are co-educational.
Please note that places in Squirrels are extremely limited, due to the low number of Squirrels in the Group.
When will vacancies arise?
At the 10th we generally restrict movements between sections to the start of the 4 main terms – August, October, January and April. This is when vacancies could arise. However, if any spaces crop up mid-term a leader will contact the Waiting list Convenor (WLC) although the leader can choose to hold off filling the space until the start of the next term.
How are priorities managed?
- Priority must be given to any existing member of the Scout Association moving into the area. They will not normally wait until the new term.
- Children of existing or new Uniformed Leaders within the Group are also prioritised.
- In addition, where the brother or sister of an existing member is on the list and is old enough to join, they should take priority over others on list.
- Thereafter, within the waiting list, the longest standing candidate will be invited provided he/she meets the following criterion:
- They must be young enough to spend at least 12 months in the Section (in case of Squirrels and Beavers, or 18 months for Cubs and Scouts). Any less and they will not get full benefit of membership and so should instead be added to the next section’s list.
The highest placed candidate meeting the criterion will be invited.
Where the only candidates listed (right age range) are those who fail the above test, they may be invited into the section with the agreement of the section leader.
When can children be added to the list?
At any time provided they are over 3 years of age (Squirrel list), 5 years of age (Beaver list), over 6 years (Cubs) and 9 years (Scouts). As a rule, we do not place children on the list who are already in another local Scout Group.
What will the WLC do when contacting a potential recruit?
- Contact the parents of the listed child and ask whether they still need the place, giving a specific time limit for a response.
- (Assuming they do respond positively), provide details of the proposed start date, section meeting times.
- Answer any initial questions the parents may have
- Ascertain if the child has any special needs
- Arrange for a welcome letter and welcome pack to be sent to the parents.
- Update the list.
- Confirm the starter identity, addresses, date of birth and any special needs to the section leader.