Introduction to squirrels
Our Squirrels group meet on Mondays.
Squirrels can achieve anything they set their minds to – and they have lots of fun along the way.
The one hour sessions will be a brilliant opportunity for young people to take their first step into being part of Scouts, and they’ll help everyone get ready for the adventure of school too.
Sessions will be packed with outdoors activities, fun, games, badges, laughter, and so much more to help our youngest members learn the skills they need for life. Of course, none of it would be possible without the support of the amazing leaders who plan and deliver such an inspiring programme.
Squirrels are an introduction to Cub Scouts and move onto joining Beavers when they are old enough. Squirrels are young people aged between 4 and 6 Years old.
It may sometimes be appropriate to extend this flexibility for young people with additional needs.

Our Squirrels form part of a Drey. On arrival each Squirrel finds their named acorn to attach to our Oak tree, in order to register. We always begin with a soft start that takes the form of a welcoming discussion based on the night’s theme or a game. Throughout the night the Squirrels work as a Drey or in mixed small groups, called nests. Our cuddly toy Squirrel mascot ‘Sammy’ thoroughly enjoys working with the children throughout the evening and then goes home for further adventures with one of our lucky Squirrels. Our session always ends with the ‘Squirrels’ song to close.
The Squirrels take part in a variety of activities from week to week that may include games, exploring, investigating or even having a visitor. We use the Scout hall as a base as well as working in our own Scout garden and the surrounding grounds of the Academy. The programme is planned to include core badgework, incorporate specific events, build links with our local community and the World around us. We aim to offer our Squirrels a variety of activities and experiences that are fun and appeal to their interests, keep them motivated and give them new insights. The Drey is a wonderful place to gain confidence in being independent and make new friends too!
Further information about badges and awards for squirrels can be found here
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