200 Club

How would you like to support 10th Perthshire Scout Group and at the same time have the chance of winning one of two great monthly prizes?

If the answer is yes, please become a member of our 200 Club.

Membership is only £1 per month and that gives you your own lucky number, which is entered into a monthly draw with two £10 prizes each month and one £50 prize each November – with more members we will be able to increase the prizes !

Joining the 200 Club is a really good way of supporting the whole Group from Beavers through to Explorers. In the past year the 200 Club has transferred £500 to Group funds.

All you have to do is fill in your details on this form and :

Option 1 – Inform your bank of your standing order instructions (Using the bottom part of the form)


Option 2 – Enclose a cheque for the first year’s subscription of £12

Completed forms (& cheque if applicable) should be returned to:

Amanda Charters
26 Jeanfield Road

Please give it a try for one year at least and you too could be one of our lucky winners!

Amanda Charters
200 Club Convenor

Still Got Questions?

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